Resources&Skills Development

EScience Associates employs professional staff with a multi-disciplinary capacity. All technical staff hold higher degrees in diverse disciplines and are encouraged to join relevant professional associations and environmental organisations to remain abreast of developments in their respective fields of expertise.

Regular opportunities for information exchange are created to ensure the development of multi-disciplinary capacity within the firm. To continue serving the needs of our clients within this context we endeavour to hold the firm’s position at the forefront of industry by actively encouraging continued education and training of employees, as well as the attendance of conferences and seminars. Senior members of this firm regularly present technical papers at conferences and seminars and are recognised as experts in their respective fields of specialisation. EScience Directors have also been engaged at a strategic level as part of the delegation accompanying President Jacob Zuma and his delegation, to meet counter parties in India, including the Indian Minister of Renewable Energy and members if his office.

ACCESS TO RESEARCH FACILITIES Where in-house capacity is inadequate, in terms of laboratory analysis and sampling, ties with the following reputable research facilities enables ESA access to advanced laboratory technologies:

  • University of the Witwatersrand Laboratory for Analytical Environmental Chemistry
  • University of Pretoria Water & Soil Science Laboratory
  • and Council for Geo-science Laboratory for Geochemical and Isotope Analysis.